Innovation Update


My Innovation Plan has been challenging since this is the first time that computer science has been offered in my district; it was so challenging that I don’t even know how to begin. I came from Junior high and was transferred to the high school because my administration believed I could start and grow successful computer science classes. Thus, taking this program happened at the right time.
My journey began with my Innovation Proposal letter, I spent tons of time researching scholarly studies for my literature review, and finally, a breakdown of my Implementation Outline; it was scary and exciting at the same time. The research I created for my literature review backs up my Implementation Outline. It was easier to convince my  CTE coordinator, as my innovation plan has backup research. My CTE coordinator allowed me to pursue my innovation and also hope for my students’ success and for my program to grow.
The Phases I and II of my Implementation outline were rolled out, and I managed to do it efficiently with the help of my learnings in my class for Leading Organizational Change. Leading change is not always a crowd pleaser; people will resent it, but the true leader will always keep their emotions controlled, show respect, and focus on the organization’s goal. Learning about the 4DX method,self-differentiated leadership, and crucial conversations were both great tools for me; these strategies will surely make me successful in my innovation plan and other aspects of life.

“A magician never reveals his/her secrets, but I’ll share one with you. The secret to creating and leading change is speaking to the heart.  In order for change to be effective, both thoughts and feelings need to be shifted. Change is 60% heart and 40% mind “(Kotter, 2011).


I am currently in Phase III  of my Implementation Outline for my Innovation Plan.

As I continue creating a significant learning environment for my students, it has been a model for other classrooms. I have shared my learnings with them and made an instructional design that other teachers can use to guide their classes. Moreover, it can be a part of teachers’ professional development. I have suggested this to my CTE coordinator, who said she would look into it, but I have not heard from her yet. But I am optimistic that my instructional design and the professional development that I have constructed will be beneficial not just for me but for other colleagues too. Currently, I am stuck with offering professional development as part of modeling and sharing practice with other teachers in Phase III. As I preach and practice my Growth Mindset, I will constantly follow up and hope that these new professional learnings I am offering will be shared with my other co-teachers. At this point, I am doing a more profound literature review for my action research, which will enhance my deeper learning for my innovation plan.

Keep Moving Forward Initiative — John's Run/Walk Shop


My Phase III will not be done until May 2023 and will continue until Phase IV (May 2023 to May 2024). and hoping that learning will continue. But as of now, the result of my innovation plan is impressive as my students love the computer science classes and will enroll next year for other computer science courses.  Last week, I met with my CTE coordinator. We are expanding Computer Science classes from offering Fundamentals and Computer Science 1 to adding  Computer Science 2 and Mobile Development classes for the next school year(2023-2024). It is fantastic because my innovation plan has worked and impacted my students.
Reflecting on my innovation plan, I will not change the steps and the learning I have gone through; I believe that I have learned so much from experiencing all the courses that this program offers. However, I wish that my admin would be more accommodating in embracing changes, and I am hoping that I will be able to share these new learnings that I have on the future professional development for next summer.  I am very much looking forward to sharing my knowledge and inspiring other people. The next time that I will challenge myself with an innovation project, I will still follow the same steps that I have done but definitely will find and add more research and learnings and be added to my knowledge toolbox.
